necklaces and bracelets


bracelet, manufactured by bones of waterbuffalo, diameter 5cm x 1,8 x 0,4cm flexible in size with "magic lock", 30gr

Delivery time:
Dimensions (Centimeter): 1.80 x 0.40 x 5.00 (W/H/L)

12,00 € incl tax


bracelet with small gemstones, rock crystal, chalcedon, moonstone, obsidian, 16-18 x 4,8 x1cm, 40gr

Delivery time:
Dimensions (Centimeter): 4.80 x 1.00 x 16.00 (W/H/L)

15,00 € incl tax


bracelet decorated with small gemstones, rock crystal, howlithe, moonstone, wateropal, 16-18 x 4,8 x 1cm, 40gr

Delivery time:
Dimensions (Centimeter): 4.80 x 1.00 x 16.00 (W/H/L)

15,00 € incl tax


bracelet decorated with small gemstones, amethyst, tigereye, rock crystall, obsidian, 16-18 x 4,8 x 1cm, 40gr

Delivery time:
Dimensions (Centimeter): 4.80 x 1.00 x 16.00 (W/H/L)

15,00 € incl tax


bracelet decorated with small pink agathe and small brown-golden pearls, 17-19 x 3,5 x 0,4 cm, 20gr

Delivery time:
Dimensions (Centimeter): 3.50 x 0.40 x 17.00 (W/H/L)

19,00 € incl tax

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