Figures made of bronze and brass, antiques

ganesha, an artfully crafted gem, manufactured...
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frog with a bowl in brown-goldcolored, manufact...
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hanuman in green-antique, manufactured by bronz...
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hand manufactured of bronze based on copper, 20...
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mermaid in green-antik, manufactured of bronze...
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buddha relaxing, manufactured of bronze based o...
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sagittarius made of bronze based on copper, 37...
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incence-holder with resting buddha in yellow-go...
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incence-holder with ganesha in blue-gold, manuf...
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incence-holder with buddha-figure in white-gold...
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frog in the position of meditation, in green-go...
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ganesha in green-antique, manufacture of bronze...
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elephant in brown-goldcolored, manufactured of...
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shiva and parvati embraced in dance, an artfull...
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mantara in brown-goldcolored, manufactured of b...
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king of frog in brown-goldcolored and green-ant...
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turtle in brown-goldcolored, manufactured of br...
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shiva head in green-antique, manufactured of br...
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